Our Voice

Making a difference …

Event Archive

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7 Feb Behaviour Support drop in

Our Voice will be supporting informal behaviour drop-in sessions at Cheviots Children's Centre on Fridays 7th February and 7th March 10 am to 12 pm. 

These sessions give you an opportunity to discuss on an individual or group basis any specific challenges you are experiencing relating to your child or young person's behaviour. 

The sessions are held jointly with the Cheviots team, and trained members of the Our Voice team with lived experience. 

Creche facilities and an interpreter are both available if needed, but must be booked in advance (contact details on the flyer).  

See details on the flyer here.

20 Jan Drop in session at Ponders End Youth and Family Hub

This drop-in coffee afternoon session will be from 12 - 2 pm on Monday 20th January. 

This is one of our regular drop-in sessions which take place in the Clement Medford Room (1st Floor) at the Ponders End Youth and Family Hub, 129, South Street, Enfield, EN3 4PX.

We have external speakers for most of these events, providing an update on a topic of interest and answering your questions on that subject. 

Members of the Our Voice team will be on hand every session to listen to your questions and issues and point you in the right direction to resolve the issues you are facing. Or you can just take the opportunity to offload a bit and have a chat with other parents who experience some of the same challenges as you, over a cup of tea or coffee.

See the flyer for our Spring 25 sessions here

See our booklet here for more information, including details of what the hubs are and what support they offer.

Practical information:

The hub is located at 129, South Street, Enfield, EN3 4 PX.

Some people have reported problems with getting to the hub using SatNav. It is best to look out for the Oasis Academy School which is opposite the hub. You may find that once parked you are by the side entrance of the hub – you will probably need to go to the South Street entrance to get admittance to the building – please walk around the building until you get to the front.

These events are aimed at parents and carers rather than children. If you do need to bring children with you, please note that you will be responsible for supervising your children throughout the session – we do not provide childcare or activities for children during these sessions.

10 Jan Behaviour Support Drop in session

Our Voice will be supporting informal behaviour drop-in sessions at Cheviots Children's Centre on Fridays 10th January, 7th February and 7th March 10 am to 12 pm. 

These sessions give you an opportunity to discuss on an individual or group basis any specific challenges you are experiencing relating to your child or young person's behaviour. 

The sessions are held jointly with the Cheviots team, and trained members of the Our Voice team with lived experience. 

Creche facilities and an interpreter are both available if needed, but must be booked in advance (contact details on the flyer).  

See details on the flyer here.

7 Jan Healthy Parent Carer Programme Jan 25

Our next Healthy Parent Carer course is now fully booked. 

This course will be running at the Ponders End Family for 6 weeks, every Tuesday morning from 7th January until 11th February. 

This is not a parenting course, or about how you can get support for your child/young person - it is about your own well-being and will be run for small groups by trained facilitators who are also parent carers and understand the challenges. 

Please see the flyer here for full details of the course, what it is about and who it is for. 

See also our news page here for more information. 

6 Dec 2024 Behaviour Support Drop in session

Our Voice will be supporting informal behaviour drop-in sessions at Cheviots Children's Centre on Fridays 6th December, 10th January, 7th February and 7th March 10 am to 12 pm. 

These sessions give you an opportunity to discuss on an individual or group basis any specific challenges you are experiencing relating to your child or young person's behaviour. 

The sessions are held jointly with the Cheviots team, and trained members of the Our Voice team with lived experience. 

Creche facilities and an interpreter are both available if needed, but must be booked in advance (contact details on the flyer).  

See details on the flyer here.

4 Dec 2024 Short Breaks update: Coffee morning at the Family Hub

Miri Dhamo, Head of the Joint Service for Disabled Children (Short breaks and social care) will join us for our coffee morning session from 10 am - 12 pm, on Wednesday 4th December to talk about Short breaks (sometimes called respite care) and answer your questions. 

See our flyer here

This is one of our regular drop-in sessions which take place in the Clement Medford Room (1st Floor) at the Ponders End Youth and Family Hub, 129, South Street, Enfield, EN3 4PX.

We have external speakers for most of these events, providing an update on a topic of interest and answering your questions on that subject. 

Members of the Our Voice team will be on hand every session to listen to your questions and issues and point you in the right direction to resolve the issues you are facing. Or you can just take the opportunity to offload a bit and have a chat with other parents who experience some of the same challenges as you, over a cup of tea or coffee.

See our booklet here for more information, including details of what the hubs are and what support they offer.

Practical information:

The hub is located at 129, South Street, Enfield, EN3 4 PX.

Some people have reported problems with getting to the hub using SatNav. It is best to look out for the Oasis Academy School which is opposite the hub. You may find that once parked you are by the side entrance of the hub – you will probably need to go to the South Street entrance to get admittance to the building – please walk around the building until you get to the front.

These events are aimed at parents and carers rather than children. If you do need to bring children with you, please note that you will be responsible for supervising your children throughout the session – we do not provide childcare or activities for children during these sessions.

1 Dec 2024 Our Voice Christmas party

Our Christmas party is now fully booked. Any new bookings will be added to the waiting list and we will let you know if places open (following cancellations).

The Our Voice Christmas party will take place on Sunday 1st December from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. 

Numbers are strictly limited and all places MUST be pre-booked. 

Booking is currently only open to members of the Our Voice mailing list. If you are not yet a member but would like to attend, please sign up by emailing us at info@ourvoiceenfield.org.uk  so that you can receive the booking link. 

For more information see our flyer here

27 Nov 2024 Choosing a Primary School for children with additional needs

Our Voice Parent Forum is hosting two Zoom information sessions for parents and carers, in conjunction with Enfield SENDIASS and the SEN Team. 

The two sessions will be on Tuesday 26th November (12.30 - 2 pm) and Wednesday 27th October (10 am to 12 pm) 

These sessions will look at how to choose a primary school for children with additional needs, and expressing your preferences for children who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). We will talk about what the process is, how you can get information about primary schools and what to look out for when making decisions. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, in advance and also as part of the session.

Book your place for Tuesday 26th November from 12.30 – 2 pm here 

or Wednesday 27th November from 10.30 am to 12 pm here

See our event flyer here  for more information and our website here for information about the process and other useful resources. The presentation from these sessions will be added to this page shortly. 

26 Nov 2024 Choosing a Primary School for children with additional needs

Our Voice Parent Forum is hosting two Zoom information sessions for parents and carers, in conjunction with Enfield SENDIASS and the SEN Team. 

The two sessions will be on Tuesday 26th November (12.30 - 2 pm) and Wednesday 27th October (10 am to 12 pm) 

These sessions will look at how to choose a primary school for children with additional needs, and expressing your preferences for children who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). We will talk about what the process is, how you can get information about primary schools and what to look out for when making decisions. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, in advance and also as part of the session.

Book your place for Tuesday 26th November from 12.30 – 2 pm here 

or Wednesday 27th November from 10.30 am to 12 pm here

See our event flyer here  for more information and our website here for information about the process and other useful resources. The presentation from these sessions will be added to this page shortly. 

26 Nov 2024 Wills and Trusts (morning)

Join us for this free webinar with Estate Planning Solutions, 10 -11.30 am on 

The session is held in conjunction with Estate Planning Solutions and will look at the Do's and Don'ts of protecting your vulnerable dependants. 

If you have children with special needs or disabilities, it is vitally important to plan for their long-term future and to think about who can make decisions for them in adult life.

This seminar will look at what you need to think about and what pitfalls you need to avoid.  

You must pre-book your place here. You will then be sent 

More info on our flyer here.