Our Voice

Making a difference …



For more sites that are relevant to families with disabled children and children with special educational needs follow the links below.

Our Voice has produced a Glossary of SEND terms, setting out some of the terminology and acronyms that are commonly used. Versions are available in Turkish and Somalian

Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) for Enfield is run by Centre 404. It provides services including information, advice, individual advocacy and a confidential helpline. For more detailed information see this presentation (from February 2024) You can contact them on tel 07494 280063 or email sendiassenfield@centre404.org.uk.

Contact has produced this guide to Services and Support from your Local Authority. 

Our Local CAMHS service has produced this useful directory of local resources which gives information and contact details for a wide range of local and national organisations that can offer help and support. 

The Enfield Educational Psychology Service provides a helpline for parents and carers. See the information flyer and request form here. You can use this service to request a callback to discuss any aspect of your child's learning, development or emotional issues like anxiety. 

For guidance on the accessibility of a wide range of venues locally and across the UK, covering everything from sensory impairments to wheelchair access see the AccessAble website. 

[logo] www.enfieldparents.org.uk
Support for families via children’s activities, counselling, information and SEN legal advice via the borough’s Parent Partnership Scheme.

Healthwatch Enfield is an independent statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Enfield. There is an easy-read introduction to Healthwatch

www.ace-ed.org.uk [logo]
The Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) is an independent national advice centre for parents. Provides telephone advice to parents on education law and practice as well as materials. Documents can be downloaded from the website.

www.IPSEA.org.uk [logo]
The Independent Panel for Special Educational Advice provides free legal advice through help lines, information downloads, advice, support and representation (when needed) in appeals to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal.

The National Autistic Society's website provides information about autism, and details of their services and activities. 

Information about the Enfield Branch of the National Autistic Society is on their website at www.enfieldnas.org.uk

www.scope.org.uk [logo]
Although its focus is people with cerebral palsy, its remit covers all disabilities. Has a free helpline: 0808 800 3333 and the web-site has downloads as well as providing a means for parents to discuss topics on-line.

Contact provides advice, information and support to the parents of all disabled children. It enables parents to get in contact with other families including on-line discussions on topics of interest to parents.

www.specialkidsintheuk.org [logo]
Brings families of disabled children and children with SEN together via an on-line forum and fun days.

www.penniwellsrda.org.uk [logo]
Provides riding & stable management sessions for disabled adults

www.edcm.org.uk [logo]
Every Disabled Child Matters (EDCM) is the campaign to get rights and justice for every disabled child.
& children.

www.familyfund.org.uk [logo]
Provides grants to families with severely disabled children, based on families' views and needs.

www.direct.gov.uk [logo]
Easy access to public information about statutory services of interest to families with disabled children.

www.enfield.gov.uk [logo]
The Enfield Council website - for all information about Enfield.

Guidance on EHCPs

Our Voice has produced a useful video Education Health Care Plans: Helping to plan your child's future together. This was produced in anticipation of the transfer from statements to EHCPs, and it still refers to Transfer Review meetings. However, the information it contains is still relevant if you replace the term Transfer Review meeting with Annual Review meeting.  

Presentation on EHCPs from the Our Voice Parents' Conference workshop November 2019. 

The Council for Disabled Children good practice guidance on EHCPs can be found here

Information from the Local Authority on EHCPs can be found here including videos giving young people's perspectives on contributing to their EHCPs here

Note: Our Voice is not responsible for the content or availability of external websites, and the opinions on them are not necessarily endorsed by Our Voice.