Our Voice

Making a difference …

News News

29-12-2021 Survey - your experiences visiting secondary schools

We recently carried out a survey amongst parents who had been visiting secondary schools for their children with SEND, prior to the year 7 transfer. 

You can see a summary report from the survey here

23-12-2021 Vaccinations approved for vulnerable 5 - 11 year olds

There was important news yesterday for the families of clinically vulnerable 5 - 11-year-olds as the Pfizer Covid vaccination was finally approved for use for this group 

Read more here.

22-12-2021 New special school - consultation

Salmon's Brook is a new special school scheduled to open this September, for children who have an EHCP for Social Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (including challenging behaviour). 

The Local Authority is currently consulting on the plans and you can have your say at the Consultation event on 19th January and/or via the online questionnaire. 

For more information see SEND spotlights  · Enfield Council

20-12-2021 Priority at vaccination centres for clinically vulnerable and carers

Individuals who are clinically vulnerable (including Autistic children and young people and those with Learning Difficulties) and their carers can get priority at vaccination centres and avoid long queues. 

This is likely to be useful both if you are taking your child/young person for vaccination and know that they may have difficulties in waiting in the queue, or if you are going alone to get your own vaccination and will find it difficult to leave them with anyone else for a long time.

The Department of Health and Social Care have agreed that anyone who has current caring commitments or who is Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (including Autism and LD) can use the letter here to get priority at vaccination centres. 

If you can, we would recommend that you print the letter off and take it to your appointment or walk-in clinic or otherwise save it to a device that you will have with you (e.g. your mobile phone). 

We hope that this makes it easier for you and your children to get your vaccinations. 

19-12-2021 Competition for families

Our Voice have launched a news story competition. 

We would like families (who have a child/young person with SEND aged 0-25 living in Enfield) to send us an illustrated story about something that their child/young person has done, or which they have all done as a family, for inclusion in our Spring 2022 newsletter. It could be a club or activity they enjoy (e.g. a youth club or horse-riding) or a family day out. 

The closing date for entries will be 10th January 2022. 

Entries must: 

Include at least one illustration 

Include something about the child/young person (including their name and age)

Include some direct input from the child/young person - this could be a quote, a photo they have taken, a drawing about the event/activity, or their input via a Talking Mat or similar tool.  

Include permission for the story and illustrations to be used in our newsletter and online channels. 

You can see more details of the competition on our flyer  here

There will be prizes for the winning families - a £60 Amazon voucher for the winner and 2 runner-up prizes of £20. 

14-12-2021 Healthy Parent Carers Programme

The Healthy Parent Carers Programme is a free 12 - week programme designed to improve health and wellbeing. 

Our course will run online every Wednesday morning from 5th January to 30th March 2022 (excluding half-term week on 16th Feb). Participants will be expected to commit to attending every week. 

For more details see our flyer here

Book your place here.

10-12-2021 Bangladeshi parents of autistic children wanted for a research project

A member of our EPS team is looking for Bangladeshi parents of Autistic children to join a research project. 

She will be looking at their experiences using an online interview format and the project has been approved by the University of East London. 

As a thank you, all participants will receive a voucher. 

Please see the flyer here for details. 

07-12-2021 Christmas Holiday activities

Information on playschemes and activities during the Christmas holidays for children and young people with special needs and disabilities.

The Local Authority has now published their booklet setting out the playschemes and other activities available during the Christmas holidays for children with SEND. Places on the playschemes are limited so if you want a place for your child/young person, do make sure you book as soon as you can.

You can see the booklet here on the Enfield Local Offer

Our Voice have also published a booklet for children and young people with SEND, giving more information on inclusive activities including cinema and theatre, museums, sports, youth clubs and more. See our booklet here

07-12-2021 Universal credit - changes for 16-17 year olds

This is an urgent update about Universal Credit for young people aged 16 and 17 claiming whilst receiving education. 

The Department for Work and Pensions plans to introduce new roles to make it more difficult for students to claim Universal Credit, which will start to apply to Universal Credit claims made on or after 15th December 2021. 

From that date it will no longer be possible for someone who is 'receiving education' to qualify for Universal Credit by way of making a 'credits only' claim for new-style Employment and Support Allowance. Instead, a disabled student in education will only be able to claim Universal Credit if they had established a 'limited capability for work' before they started receiving education. 

Young people who haven't reached the September after their 19th birthday, alongside older students who are in full time advanced education will no longer be able to claim Universal Credit. 

This presentation from the EDA sets out the position in more detail. 

03-12-2021 Activities to keep your child entertained at home

Below are a series of resources focusing on children with SEND that you may find useful for keeping your children entertained, calm and happy at home. 

This short film on the value of play from the British Psychology Society/ Division of Educational and Child Psychology looks at the importance of play and the way in which play helps children to manage their emotions and stress. 

BBC Bitesize SEND toolkit has a wide range of useful resources for both activities and wellbeing, including music, fun activities, adapting physical activities, Makaton, BSL and supporting reading. There are a range of specific resources for children with specific special needs and disabilities including hearing impairments, visual impairments, Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Learning Disabilities.

Home Learning activities for children with Autism and/or Learning difficulties - these resources have been produced by Enfield Advisory Service for Autism in conjunction with Russet House school.

There are some useful SEND specific resources (as well as a wide range of other materials) on Twinkl - although this is no longer completely free to use there are normally options to download some items free of charge. 

You can also find a range of other inclusive / SEND focused activities for children on The Sensory Projects website.

Music Therapy Tree have provided accessible music therapy resources, suitable for children with autism and learning difficulties in the new Self-Isolation support area of their website. 

Kids TV 123 - a YouTube channel with lots of educational songs e.g. numbers, phonics

GoNoodle - music and mindfulness

Cosmic Kids - Yoga and mindfulness for children

Stop Breathe Think - mindfulness and meditation for children 

The Singing Walrus - fun educational songs with accompanying worksheets and flashcards 

Just Dance - dance along to your favourite songs and follow the movements on the screen

Barefoot Books - animated singalongs and activity packs 

The Learning station - 'brain break' action songs

Singing Hands on YouTube has a wide range of videos of songs signed in Makaton.

PBS Kids Music Games - educational games and activities related to music. 

imoves - a range of fun activities to keep children happy, healthy and focused including Worry Monster, Pilates and meditation for mental health and well-being

Tate Paint - a tablet-friendly online paint game  

Great Ormond Street The Power of Play has a range of fun games and activities provided by their team of play experts. 

Unicef has a set of 10 playful activities for disabled children

This article gives a good list of different activities that you might like to try at home and out and about.

If you have concerns about your child's online safety, see our list of useful sources of information here.