Our Voice

Making a difference …

News News

18-12-2023 Changes to the Council Tax Support Scheme

Do you currently receive Council Tax Support (which used to be called Council Tax Reduction Scheme / Council Tax Benefit Scheme)?

Are you currently paying either no council tax, or reduced council tax because you are on certain benefits or on low income, and hence, currently eligible for council tax support?

If the answer to both the above questions is yes, then it's important for you to read this information, and fill in the consultation, as the proposed changes to the council tax support scheme could affect you.

Additionally, as everyone's circumstances are unique, if you are a Council Tax Support claimant, and want to know how the proposals could potentially have an impact on your household, the council are offering one-to-one sessions. To book a one-to-one session (for this Council Tax Support consultation only), please email them at ctsconsultation@enfield.gov.uk.

Please read the attached document here which gives a brief overview of what Council Tax Support is, as well as the main principles of the proposals.

You can have your say about the proposals with this questionnaire

There is also easy-ready information available here.

This consultation will close on 21st January.

14-12-2023 What's On in the Christmas Holidays?

Our latest 'What's on this Christmas?' guide has information on a variety of SEND-specific and accessible events, activities and over-the-school Christmas holidays. 

You might also find it useful to have a look at this information about coping with the festive season, aimed at the families of children and young people with sensory difficulties. 

Don't forget to also have a look at our general 'What's on- Play and Leisure in and around Enfield' Guide here which is regularly updated with ongoing SEND-specific and inclusive events (please note that some of these are term-time only, so if you are planning to go along to anything, please check first). 

The information in the booklet is correct (to the best of our knowledge) at the time of writing, but please do check with the individual venues and schemes, and please bear in mind that many activities and events must be pre-booked. 

The Local Authority's most recent booklet on playschemes for the school holidays is hereThere is additional information about the playschemes on the Local Offer here. However, there is very limited availability over the Christmas period. 

11-12-2023 Coping with the Festive Season

We know that for many families, especially those of children and young people with additional needs, the Christmas season can bring stresses and strains as children struggle with changes in routine or sensory overload.

We thought some of you might find this Christmas Sensory Survival Kit and these Christmas Tips for Autistic People and their families (from the National Autistic Society) useful.

If you have an Autistic child and would welcome some guidance on supporting strategies you might like:

o   EASA’s coffee morning this Thursday 14th December at Russet House School, 9.30 – 11 am – more information here.

o   Autism Central’s online session on Supporting Strategies for the Festive period – 12th December at 7 – 9 pm – more information here.

05-12-2023 Discover Digital workshops from Family Fund

Family Fund offers free support to families raising a disabled or seriously ill child(ren).

Discover Digital workshops are free and are here to support parents and carers to use technology and also to encourage children and young people to be creative with their devices.

The support Family Fund provide covers everything from:

  • skills workshops on how to use your iPad, from learning about accessibility features, to how to use parental controls.
  • creative workshops for the whole family using fun, free apps you can get on your iPad.
  • social stories workshops to help parent/carers create quick and personalised social stories from their own home.
  • money support workshops to help families maximise their benefit entitlement.

You can see more more information in their booklet here.

There is a calendar of upcoming workshops here and a more detailed list here (both including sign-up links)  

You can also find additional information on the Family Fund website.

If you have any questions about the Discover Digital programme or need support signing up for a workshop, the Family Fund team will be happy to chat through this with you. You can also call them on 01904 550066 for more information.


Rachael and Heather
Email digitalskills@familyfund.org.uk 

Call 01904 550066

03-12-2023 Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

This event was introduced by the United Nations in 1992 to celebrate the achievements of individuals with disabilities. You can find out more about it at the United Nations website at:   https://www.un.org/en/observances/day-of-persons-with-disabilities

If you want to talk to your child/young person about the day, you might like to have a look at the CBBC website for five examples of amazing people with disabilities:

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023: Five incredible people you should know about - BBC Newsround

30-11-2023 Launch of drop in service at Ponders End Youth and Family Hub

We are delighted to announce the launch of our regular drop-in service at the Ponders End Youth and Family Hub. Members of the Our Voice team will be on hand once every two weeks (alternating between a 10 am to 1 pm session on Wednesdays and a 12 – 2 pm session on Tuesdays) to listen to your questions and issues and point you in the right direction to resolve the issues you are facing. Or you can just take the opportunity to offload and have a chat with other parents who experience some of the same challenges as you.

We will launch the service on Wednesday 6th December 23 – see below for details. The service will be up and running from 10th January 2024.

See our booklet here for more information, including details of what the hubs are, what support they offer and what events are coming up.

The dates for January and February will be :

Wednesday 10th January

10 am to 1 pm

Tuesday 23rd January

12 – 2 pm

Wednesday 7th February

10 am to 1 pm

Tuesday 20th February

12 pm to 2 pm

 The venue is the Ponders End Youth and Family Hub, 129 South Street, Enfield, EN3 4PX.

More information about our regular drop-in sessions is on our flyer here

Launch event – Wednesday 6th December

We will launch the service on Wednesday 6th December 23 from 10 am to 1 pm. See the flyer here for details. Come along and join us for coffee and cake and to learn about our drop-in service at the hub.

We will be joined at the launch by Autism Central

Autism Central provide FREE Autism education, information and support to parents, carers and paid carers of Autistic People, of any age, with or without a diagnosis. Alongside their online and in-person Autism workshops – details here Autism Central also offer FREE 30-minute 1:1 listening ear and signposting support. At our launch, you will hear about the support they offer via the Autism Hub London, and have the opportunity to raise queries and book a 1:1 call.


More information about the Autism Central London hub at Contact and Ambitious about Autism (London) | Autism Central and on the flyer.


19-11-2023 Info and resources from Our Voice Presents: Get to Know the Joint Service for Disabled Children

Our Voice hosted the first of our series of ‘Our Voice presents.... ’ events,  ‘Get to know Social Care, Short Breaks and the Joint Service for Disabled Children’ on Thursday 16th November.

This event followed the success of our annual ‘Meet the SEND Heads’ parents’ conference, which has now been running for seven years, and gave parents an opportunity focus on this specific area in more depth.

We were joined by Miri Dhamo, Head of the Joint Service for Disabled Children (JSDC) and responsible for Short Breaks, Social Care and Cheviots Children’s Disability Service who gave us an overview of the Joint Service, Short Breaks and Social Care. You can see a copy of his presentation here

You can see a copy of the presentation from our Positive Behaviour Support workshop here.

Key websites and sources of support referred to in the sessions were: 

  • The Local Offer - the key source of information from the Local Authority for everything to do with SEND for children and young people in the London Borough of Enfield. 
  • Local Offer section on the Joint Service for Disabled Children here.
  • Local Offer section on Short Breaks here.
  • Information about Transition to Adult Services/Preparing for Adulthood here and the series of events to support this process here.
  • You can also see Our Voice's own Preparing for Adulthood page (which pulls together information about the different events and support available) here.
  • Presentation regarding making Mental Capacity and making decisions for young people aged 16 and over (from the Local Authority's event on this topic) here
  • Contact details for Jane Richards who can provide support regarding transition: Families in Transition to Adulthood (Jane Richards, parent carer) - email jane.fta@hotmail.com or phone 07816 070098
  • Contact (the Charity for Families with Disabled Children) guidance regarding accessing Child Trust Funds for young people who lack mental capacity - useful Q&A here and information about their campaign on this topic here
  • Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) website here including useful resources and webinars. 

08-11-2023 Choosing a Primary School for children with additional needs

Are you trying to choose a primary school for your child with additional needs?

Our Voice Parent Forum is hosting two Zoom information sessions for parents and carers, in conjunction with Enfield SENDIASS and the SEN Team. The first session has already taken place, but you can still book a place for our session on Monday 13th November. 

These sessions will look at how to choose a primary school for children with additional needs, and expressing your preferences for children who have Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). We will talk about what the process is, how you can get information about primary schools and what to look out for when making decisions. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, in advance and also as part of the session.

Book your place for Monday 13th Nov from 1– 2.30 pm here 

See our event flyer here  for more information

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, you will need to apply for a primary school place by 15th January 2024, ready for your child to start reception class in September 2024. This workshop will be particularly useful for parents of children in this age group, but you may also wish to attend if your child is a year or so younger, so you can start thinking about the choice of school early.

The presentation from these sessions can be seen here.

Key information and dates: 

  • For children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), the deadline for confirming your preference is 30th November 2023. You will be advised of the name of the school the LA is proposing to name in Section 1 of the EHCP on 15th February 24. 
  • For children without an ECHP applications must be submitted by 15th January 2024. School places will be offered on 16th April 24 and you will have until 30th April 24 to accept the place offered. 
  • Open days are taking place during November and December – check with individual schools for dates
  • You can see more information about the standard process (including options to defer for summer-born children here and in this booklet.
  • This booklet sets out the processes for children with an EHCP
  • This booklet gives information about all special schools and other specialist provisions in Enfield. 

Let us know about your experiences 

We would really like to hear about your experiences when looking at primary schools this year, for your child with additional needs. 

We know that all schools are meant to be inclusive for children with Disabilities and Special Needs – but is that the reality? Did you feel that your child would be welcomed and supported at the schools you visited and spoke to, or were you discouraged (whether actively or more subtly) from sending your child to that school?

Please let us know about your experiences (both good and bad) by completing the short survey here

It should only take around 5 minutes to do. To thank you for your time we will randomly select 3 survey entries to receive a £20 Amazon voucher (see survey page for details).

Thank you! 

Other information and resources

You may also find it useful to look at these resources for preparing to start primary school.

Enfield Communication Advisory Support Service (ECASS) Rising to Reception programme is aimed at parents and carers of children with communication difficulties. There is a booklet showing this year's programme of events (running November 23 to July24) which you can sign up to attend. The website has lots of useful information about starting primary school including a range of presentations from last year’s events.

Information about starting school on the Contact website here 

Family Corner – starting school

SENsational Tutors – Big ideas for little learners transitioning to big school

NCCA – Suggested transition activities for moving from preschool to primary

TTS Group – 9 top tips for managing transition from nursery to school

20-10-2023 Our Voice Presents: Get to Know the Joint Service for Disabled Children

Our Voice are proud to announce the first in our series of ‘Our Voice presents.... ’ events, which will be our ‘Get to know Social Care, Short Breaks and the Joint Service for Disabled Children’ on Thursday 16th November.

Following the success of our annual ‘Meet the SEND Heads’ parents’ conference, which has now been running for seven years, we know that parents would like to have more time to focus on specific areas in more depth. In this mini-conference event, we will be joined by Miri Dhamo, Head of the Joint Service for Disabled Children (JSDC) and responsible for Short Breaks, Social Care and Cheviots Children’s Disability Service.

The event will be from 10 am to 12 noon on Thursday 16th November, at Cheviots Children’s Disability Centre, and will include an overview and Q&A session, a choice of workshops on Short Breaks or Positive Behaviour Support and the opportunity to request a one-to-one meeting with relevant professionals.  

Numbers are strictly limited and all places must be pre-booked here.

See our flyer here for more information about the event including the full agenda. 

18-10-2023 What's On this October Half term?

Our latest 'What's on this October Half-term?' guide has information on a variety of SEND-specific and accessible events, activities and over-the-school half-term holidays. 

Don't forget to also have a look at our general 'What's on- Play and Leisure in and around Enfield' Guide here which is regularly updated with ongoing SEND-specific and inclusive events (please note that some of these are term-time only, so if you are planning to go along to anything, please check first). 

The information in the booklet is correct (to the best of our knowledge) at the time of writing, but please do check with the individual venues and schemes, and please bear in mind that many activities and events must be pre-booked. 

We are currently awaiting an updated version of the Local Authority's booklet on playschemes for the school holidays. You can see the most recent version hereThere is additional information about the playschemes on the Local Offer here.

You can see the original flyers for the following events here: 

SEND Cycling fun

Youth half-term activities 

ECYPS Teenscheme