12-06-2020 Transition to a new school during Covid 19
Our Voice has been flagging to the LA that parents and carers have particular concerns about the impact of the current lockdown on children with SEND who are due to transition to a new educational establishment this year (or leave education entirely), in many cases after the disruption of a prolonged absence from school, and potentially without a reasonable opportunity to achieve any kind of closure regarding their existing school. We were pleased to give parents' input (along with SENDIASS) to the Local Authority on parents' views and concerns about this issue.
This information was fed into guidance which has now been issued to schools across the Borough
You can see a summary of the guidance here and the full guidance document here.
28-05-2020 Q&As from Videoconference for parents with EPS and CAMHS
Following our videoconference for parents and carers last week, we have put together a Q&A document, covering the questions that you raised. We had a very useful conversation with representatives of Educational Psychology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Social and Emotional Mental Health, Joint Service for Disabled Children, and Durants school (Behaviour lead).
The Q&A summarises our discussions about the questions you raised covering:
- Supporting your child's learning at home
- Emotion and behaviour (including challenging behaviour)
- Support for mental health issues - yours and your child's
We have also included links to a range of other resources and websites on these issues.
We will be working with a team drawn from EPS, CAMHS, SEMH, JSDC/Cheviots and Durants to look at what other support could be provided during this time, and had our first (virtual) meeting yesterday. We are using the results from our survey on your biggest concerns to inform our thinking so please do complete the survey if you haven't already had time to do so - it should take you less than 5 minutes.
25-05-2020 Online safety for children
Online safety for children is particularly important at this time when many children will be spending extra time on electronic devices at home.
Parents often feel that they don't know enough about online safety and it can be difficult to know where to find the best reliable information - particularly information tailored to children with special needs and disabilities.
Enfield Schools and Children's Services have kindly helped us to put together this list of useful sources of information including both SEND specific and general guidance and covering a wide range of topics from general internet safety to cyber-bullying.
09-03-2020 Spring 2020 newsletter
The Spring 2020 edition of our newsletter has just been printed and will be distributed via schools shortly, as well as being available in selected libraries, colleges and Doctors' surgeries.
We have a packed edition with news about:
- Our recent events including family events and our Parents' Conference in November 2019.
- Updates from the Joint Services for Disabled Children and other services.
- Articles on topics like the 'Moving on' programme, Mental Capacity issues for young people with SEND, Hydrotherapy and GP Annual Health checks.
- Information about things to do locally.
You can read the newsletter here.
17-02-2020 Fairer funding declaration
Our Voice has today signed the 'Enfield Declaration' - a request for the government to consider fairer funding for our Borough. The declaration has been created by the Over-50s Forum, to draw attention to the under-funding of the Borough of Enfield.
Our Voice represents parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities and special needs - some of the most vulnerable individuals in our society, and who have been disproportionately affecting by funding cuts, and we, therefore, felt it was important to lend our support to this plea for fairer funding.
You can read the full wording of the declaration here.
05-12-2019 Report from Parents Conference
The fourth Our Voice 'Meet the SEND Heads' Parents' Conference took place on Thursday 28th November 2019. Below are the presentations and handouts, and a summary of the Q&A panel session.
Summary of Q and A Panel Session
Positive Behaviour Support Workshop and link to a video on Challenging Behaviour
Inclusive Activities in Enfield workshop (AccessAble presentation)
Education Health Care plans workshop and IPSEA Annual Review checklist
Sensory Processing issues workshop and handouts on Brushing Hair, Brushing Teeth and Washing Hair for sensitive children and video on understanding Autism.
18-11-2019 Update for Parents Conference
We are looking forward to welcoming Parents and Carers to our Meet the SEND Heads Parents Conference next week on Thursday 28th November. The event is now almost full, so if you have not already booked, please book as soon as possible.
You can see the full agenda here.
Question and Answer panel session
The Q&A panel session with the SEND Heads is at the heart of our conference. See our full list of panel members.
Parents and carers attending the event are invited to send any questions for the panel in advance. Please email us at by Tuesday 26th November at the latest. Although we will accept new questions on the day (time permitting) priority will be given to any questions submitted in advance.
You might want to have a look at the updates from the different service areas below when thinking about your questions.
Updates from Local Authority and Health
- Update on outstanding questions from Parents' Conference February 2019
- Joint Service for Disabled Children
- SEND Services
- Integrated Learning Disabilities Service
- Health (covering Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language, Dietetics, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Physiotherapy and Complex Nursing).
- Educational Psychology Service
- Travel Assistance
15-10-2019 Our Voice Parents' Conference
Booking is now open for the Our Voice Parents' Conference on 28th November.
Our fourth annual 'Meet the SEND Heads Parents' Conference will take place at the Dugdale Centre on Thursday 28th November - see our information booklet for more details and book your place here.
10-09-2019 Our Voice Autumn Newsletter
The latest edition of our newsletter has just been printed and will be distributed via schools shortly, as well as being available in selected libraries, colleges and Doctors' surgeries.
We have a packed edition with news about:
- reports from our recent events
- events we have coming up over the autumn and winter (parents' conference, Christmas party and pantomime trip)
- new members joining the Our Voice team - and an opportunity for you to get more involved by volunteering with us
- GP checks
- Updates from the Joint Services for Disabled Children, Educational Psychology team and Speech and Language
- Information about things to do locally.
You can read the newsletter here.
31-07-2019 Our Voice Parents' Conference
Save the Date for 28th November - Our Voice Parents' Conference
We are pleased to announce that our next Parents' Conference will take place on 28th November 2019 at the Dugdale Centre in Enfield, registration from 9.30.
Following a successful third conference in February, we continue to listen to your feedback. You told us you would rather have a longer Q&A session and no presentations, and we have arranged the agenda accordingly. Additionally, we will have a choice of workshops, and the opportunity to book one-to-one appointments with key professionals from across different service areas. If you would like to have your say on our workshop topics, please complete our survey.
See the Save the Date flyer for more details.
Booking for the conference will open late September (initially for members only).