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13-06-2024 Travel assistance to school or college - deadline 1st July

The cut off date for applications for travel assistance, or changes to travel assistance, from this September, will be 1st July. Please make sure that you apply by this deadline to ensure that arrangements can be put in place in time for the start of the new academic year. 


School: You may be eligible for assistance for your child to travel to and from school if it is not reasonable for them to walk to school because of their Special Educational Needs or mobility difficulties and if the Local Authority has not offered a closer school. You can see more details on eligibility on the Local Offer ‘Getting to School Policy’ here.


College and further education: If your young person attends college or further education, applications for travel assistance are considered on an individual basis if the young person has Special Educational Needs, and a disability or mobility problem which affects their ability to walk and needs to travel more than 3 miles from your home to college. See here for more information (please note – you do not need to apply on an annual basis – the Travel Brokers Team have confirmed that the information on the Local Offer is incorrect in this respect and we have asked for it to be changed asap).


Applying for travel assistance or changes to travel assistance

If you need to apply for travel assistance or for a change to existing travel assistance (e.g. if your child is moving to a different school or college, or changing campus, the cut-off date for applications will be on Monday 1st July. Please make sure that you make your application before this date, to ensure that transport can be put in place ready for the new term.


New applications: Information and the application form for new applications can be found on this page (apply for travel assistance pdf).


Changes to travel arrangements: If you need to make a change to your existing travel arrangements (for example because your child is moving to a different school or college or changing campus) please use the form here


No change to arrangements: If your child/young person is already in receipt of travel assistance and they are staying at the same school and campus you do NOT need to make a new application.