Our Voice

Making a difference …

05-10-2022 Preparing for adulthood launch event

Preparing for adulthood is the process of moving from childhood to adulthood (including from child to adult services) and the resources and events to support you and your young person through that process. You can see information about the process here and the latest booklet (for 2022 – 23)  outlining the process is now available on the Local Offer here.

We recommend that you start to attend Preparing for Adulthood Events when your young person reaches year 9 (although you can start earlier if you wish). These events provide opportunities to talk to professionals and other parents who can give you advice and information to help you and your young person. 

To launch the programme for 2022-23, there will be an in-person Preparing for Adulthood launch event on Thursday 20th October at Waverley school from 10 am to 12.30 pm. 

At this event, you will be able to hear about the transition from childhood to adult services and the support available for the transition and attend a market-place style session where you can meet key providers and support organizations, including members of the Our Voice team.

This is a really important event for anyone whose child is in year 9 or above (or even earlier if you wish) to help you understand everything you need to know about this critical transition.

See the full details in the booklet here