20-05-2021 EPS Events
The Educational Psychology team are providing a series of events to support parents and young people.
1) A series of Emotional Wellbeing events for Secondary school-aged children/young people (parents are welcome to accompany to provide support) and the parents and carers of primary school-aged children:
Behaviour workshop for parents and carers - 25th May 10 - 11 am
Anxiety Workshop for parents and carers - Tuesday 8th June 10 -11 am
Body image workshop (and rejecting diet culture) for secondary school-aged young people Tuesday 8th June and (part 2) Tuesday 15th June - 4.30 - 5.30 pm
Coming up:
Reducing Sibling Rivalry (parents ) Tuesday 22nd June 8-9 pm
Mindfulness in action (parents and young people) Wed 7th July 7.30 - 8.30 pm
Planning a meaningful summer (young people and/or parent carers) Tue 13th July 7.30 - 8.30 pm
2) Based on growing concerns about emotionally based school avoidance the EPS is partnering with the Education Welfare Service to carry out discussion groups with parents and carers and young people (as well as schools). For details and to join please see flyers below:
Discussion group for parents/carers - Wed 9th June 8 - 9.15 pm
Discussion group for young people Wed 9th June 5- 6.15 pm