Our Voice

Making a difference …

06-12-2023 Launch of drop in service at Ponders End Youth and Family Hub

We are delighted to announce the launch of our regular drop-in service at the Ponders End Youth and Family Hub. You can see more information about this here.

We will launch the service on Wednesday 6th December 23 from 10 am to 1 pm. See the attached flyer here for details. Come along and join us for coffee and cake and to learn about our drop-in service at the hub.

We will be joined at the launch by Autism Central

Autism Central provide FREE Autism education, information and support to parents, carers and paid carers of Autistic People, of any age, with or without a diagnosis. Alongside their online and in-person Autism workshops – details here Autism Central also offer FREE 30 minute 1:1 listening ear and signposting support. At our launch you will hear about the support they offer via the Autism Hub London, and have the opportunity to raise queries and book a 1:1 call.

More information about the Autism Central London hub at Contact and Ambitious about Autism (London) | Autism Central and on the attached flyer.